2 thoughts on “The Sweet Wait For Christmas: Advent. (A Waldorf Way)”

  1. This is lovely. I have come to Advent through Waldorf, and feel my heart and spirit so moved by this journey of joyful anticipation. Though I am not a Christian, each year I embrace Christ more wholeheartedly. I have an advent wreath we made by drilling candle size holes into a block of wood from our woodpile one desperate year. Mary and Joseph appear early on, and the “garden” around them slowly fills with crystals and shells, then collected leaves and flower heads and such, then knitted sheep and a horse and doves, then the shepherds for humankind, then the baby on Christmas day. Lately I’ve been supplementing this outer “altar” with the inner work of attending Taize prayer services…
    Sydney, did you ever start a group about spiritual parenting on FB? Can you remind me of the name?

    1. I did. It is called co-parenting with God. It’s mostly inactive now though. Your advent wreath sounds so lovely. Thank you for sharing. If you have a picture I’d love to share it on my FB page.

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