Why Must They Grow Up?

unnamedMy son got his hair cut yesterday, all of his sweet baby hair just fell to the ground and this proper boy-looking child was underneath. Then today we had our second trimester ultrasound and say the baby in my belly for the first time, which sort of solidified the fact that a new baby is coming. Both of these things just made me feel the changes that are happening. My son only prefers me half of the time now and wants to do everything for himself. He is officially growing up and it is just going by too fast. I have spent almost every day with him since he was born and it’s still not enough. I can’t even say that I took any of it for granted because I really made sure to slow down, watch him and appreciate every stage he was in. It just keeps slipping away.

I want to stop time. In the moment when my son calls me in the middle of the night “my mama, i want my mama” and I pick him up and he snuggles on me while I crawl in his bed to snuggle him; I want to just stay in that moment.

When he asks me for help to put on his shoes and backs his little bottom into my lap; I want to let his little body sit on me forever.

Every hug is to short. Every kiss happens so quickly. When he says ‘love mama’ I want him to say it 30 more times.

He runs up to me to show me how fascinating a rock is; I never want him to stop sharing his world with me.

In the moments when he will nestle in between my husband and I, hugging us both and say “my mommy and daddy” I just want that to last forever.

His childhood is so fleeting and I just can’t appreciate this enough. I can’t seem to fully savor the moments before they fly by so fast.

He is growing up everyday; I notice this everyday. Always something new; less toddler-like and more child-like. It’s fantastic to see. I just wish it happened a little slower.

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