More Easy Handmade Waldorf and RIE Toys

This year I will once again avoid the malls and make my own Christmas gifts for my son and my nieces and nephew. Here is a list of toys that I’ll be working on, some incredibly easy and some a tad trickier. If you want more ideas, please check out my previous post on Easy Handmade Waldorf and RIE Toys.

1. Sensory Basket Treasures (6 months and up) This is actually a gift that even my 2 year old will still love. Fill this basket with pine cones, large bottle caps, fabric scraps or anything else interesting. They LOVE random odd things.


2. Sunray Sensory Toy (Newborn – 1 year) – This is great because you can fill it will different textures, like mylar sheets or tulle. This one looks tricky but you can sew up any shape of fabric really easily.


3. Soft fabric balls. (Newborn and up) 


4. Felt Finger Puppets (1 1/2 and up)

felt finger puppets

5. Sleeping Sacks for Dolls and Stuffed Animals (1 and up)


6. Cardboard Box Appliances (2 and up)


7. Blocks from Apple Branches (1 and up)


8. Play Cape (2 and up)


9. Really Cool Crayons (2 and up). Easy to make and perfect for tiny fingers.


10. Yogurt Containers! (All ages) Seriously, these have always been such a huge hit, and will continue to be for some time. Open-ended toys are perfect for cultivating creativity in your little ones.


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